Compensation software company Payscale presented new research in a white paper about the top reasons employees leave and you may be surprised.
That coworker of yours who just handed in his resignation and is striding towards the exit with his belongings in an old printer-paper box could be leaving the building for any number of reasons. Especially in this economic climate – a tight labor market makes people bolder, and more willing to take risks to get the job they really want. Compensation software company Payscale presented new research in a white paper about the top reasons employees leave.
The top reasons people leave their jobs
- 25% want more pay
- 15% are unhappy at their current organization
- 14% want to work at an organization more aligned with their values
- 11% are relocating
- 10% are unhappy their current position is not full-time
- 7% want a promotion
- 2% want a more flexible schedule
- 15% – other
What’s better about the new job?
Payscale then asked people who quit and found a new job what attracted them to that organization. The hands-down winner? Meaningful work.
- 27% said the opportunity to do more meaningful work
- 17% said increased responsibilities
- 16% said increased pay for this position
- 11% said workplace culture
- 6% said nothing in particular, it was just a job
- 6% said better benefits and perks
- 5% said they wanted to work for a larger organization
- 10% – other
People generally find a new job that offers them what the last one couldn’t
It was found that the reason people leave is along the same lines with the reason that they take a new job. For example, with those who quit because they wanted higher pay, 38% of those respondents chose a new job that paid them more.
And 46% of those who quit because they didn’t have “value alignment” at their previous job chose a new organization because they would get to do more meaningful and engaged work.
And for the group that quit because they wanted a promotion, 46% of respondents ended up with a job in a new organization that offered them more responsibilities.
For those who quit with go-getting in mind, it’s a happy ending.
Via The Ladders