Top 10 ways nanotechnology is transforming the world around us

Nanotechnology might be outside your window at this very moment in the form of a gecko-like human scaling a self-cleaning, nano-enhanced solar window.

A pair of hand-held, gecko-inspired paddles that can help you ascend a 25-foot sheet of glass might not seem like the most impressive use of nanotechnology but this real-world advance aptly demonstrates how quickly the field of nanotechnology is climbing into our lives. Below are ten additional examples of how nanotechnology is already changing the world, followed by 10 ways it may help society scale even greater heights in the near future.



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The future of drones expected to transform agriculture


80% of the commercial market for drones will eventually be for agricultural uses.

Drones are moving quickly from the battlefield to the farmer’s field.  They are on the verge of helping growers oversee millions of acres throughout rural America and saving them big money in the process.



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Indiana Amish farm leads the way to local food security

Amish farm

Greenhouse at Sunrise Hydroponics.

There is an Amish farm in Topeka, Indiana that supplies all-natural, sustainable produce, using 90% less water and 90% less land, and that utilizes the most advanced vertical aeroponic technology on earth. You cannot get produce that is more local, fresh, healthy, and sustainable — even in the middle of an Indiana blizzard — like you can get at Sunrise Hydroponics, an Amish farm.



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GrowUpBox: A shipping container farm that grows tilapia and salad greens

GrowUp’s Kickstarter-funded aquaponic farm is a circular ecosystem with 150 fish, all self-contained in a box.

At the Marlborough Playground in London this summer you’ll see a modified, upcycled shipping container with a greenhouse on top–dubbed the GrowUpBox.  It is producing both fresh vegetables and fresh fish, all in one compact set-up.



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Discover the Hidden Patterns of Tomorrow with Futurist Thomas Frey
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By delving into the futuring techniques of Futurist Thomas Frey, you’ll embark on an enlightening journey.

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