When will we have Artificial Intelligence as smart as a human? Here’s what experts think


Robots in the movies can think creatively, continue learning over time, and maybe even pass for conscious. Why don’t we have that yet?

“Star Wars,” “Her,” and “iRobot.” What do all these movies have in common? The artificial intelligence (AI) depicted in there is crazy-sophisticated. These robots can think creatively, continue learning over time, and maybe even pass for conscious.

Real-life artificial intelligence experts have a name for AI that can do this — it’s Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). For decades, scientists have tried all sorts of approaches to create AGI, using techniques such as reinforcement learning and machine learning. No approach has proven to be much better than any other, at least not yet.

Indeed, there’s a catch here: despite all the excitement, we have no idea how to build AGI.

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