The World’s Greatest Gypsum Cave In Russia


An amazing cave all around.

Mystic caves continues to impress us all, but there are just some few of us that dares to go experience them. We have earlier represented you amazing caves, like the amazing crystal cave under the Mexico Desert or the beautiful underwater caves in Bahamas Blue Holes. But this one is amazing as well, and it is the Ordynskaya Cave near Orda village in Russia. More precise it is situated in the Perm Region…

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Beer to be Classified as Alcohol for First Time in Russia

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Beer is now alcohol in Russia

Beer is to be legally classified as an alcoholic drink in Russia for the first time as the Kremlin forges ahead with the toughest anti-alcohol campaign since the fall of the Soviet Union. The beverage is technically classified as a foodstuff for now, an anomaly that has allowed producers to avoid a sweeping new crackdown on alcohol advertising and night-time sales.

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