Spain has launched a digital nomad visa — here’s how to get one

Tech talent have another tempting destination

Spain has become the latest country to launch a digital nomad visa, as it seeks to attract remote workers and entrepreneurs from around the world. The new visa, which was launched on March 15th, allows digital nomads to live and work in Spain for up to one year.

To be eligible for the visa, applicants must demonstrate that they are able to work remotely and have a stable source of income. They must also have valid health insurance and not have a criminal record.

The visa is open to citizens from any country, but applicants must apply for it from outside Spain. Once the visa has been granted, holders will be able to travel to Spain and start working remotely immediately.

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Novel quantum entanglement lets researchers spy on atomic nuclei

Nuclear physicists have found a way to peer inside the deepest recesses of atomic nuclei, according to a new study.

A team of researchers has developed a novel quantum entanglement technique that enables them to spy on atomic nuclei, according to a recent report in Space Daily. The technique, which uses entangled photons to measure the spin of atomic nuclei, has the potential to improve our understanding of the structure and behavior of atomic nuclei.

Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon where two particles become linked in such a way that the state of one particle is dependent on the state of the other, no matter how far apart they are. In this case, the researchers used entangled photons to measure the spin of atomic nuclei in a sample of yttrium ions.

The team was able to observe the entangled photons and detect the changes in their state caused by the spin of the atomic nuclei. This allowed them to gain information about the nuclei that would not have been possible using traditional measurement techniques.

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Scientists Use ‘Acoustic Holograms’ to Create 3D Objects With Sounds

The scientists believe the new approach will revolutionize 3D cell structures and tissues.

According to a recent article on TechTimes, a team of scientists has developed a method for creating 3D objects using sound. The researchers from the University of Sussex and the University of Bristol in the UK used acoustic holograms to manipulate sound waves and shape tiny particles suspended in water, creating three-dimensional objects that can be seen and touched.

The acoustic holograms used in the study are created by using an array of ultrasonic transducers to create a complex pattern of sound waves that can be manipulated to move particles in precise ways. This allows the researchers to shape the particles into any desired form, including intricate structures such as a tiny model of the Eiffel Tower or a miniature version of a human heart.

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Scientists grow artificial skin into the shape of a human hand in major scientific breakthrough

According to an article in The Sun, scientists have developed artificial skin that can be shaped like a human hand. This breakthrough in skin engineering could have significant implications for the development of prosthetic limbs and skin grafts.

The team of researchers from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York used 3D printing to create a mold of a human hand, which was then used to shape the artificial skin. The skin was made from a material called elastomer, which has properties similar to human skin.

The researchers found that the artificial skin was able to sense pressure and temperature changes, much like real skin. This is because the skin was made with sensors that can detect changes in pressure and temperature.

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Lab-produced wood doesn’t grow on trees

Each year, the world loses about 10 million hectares of forest – an area about the size of Iceland – because of deforestation. At that rate, some scientists predict the world’s forests could disappear in 100 to 200 years.

In an effort to provide an environmentally friendly and low-waste alternative to deforestation, researchers at Massachusetts of Technology (MIT) have pioneered a tunable technique to generate wood-like plant material in the lab. This could let someone ‘grow’ a wooden product like a table without needing to cut down trees, process lumber, etc.

The researchers have now demonstrated that, by adjusting certain chemicals used during the growth process, they can precisely control the physical and mechanical properties of the resulting plant material, such as its stiffness and density. They have also shown that, using 3D bioprinting techniques, they can grow plant material in shapes, sizes and forms that are not found in nature and that can’t be easily produced using traditional agricultural methods. They report their work in a paper in Materials Today.

“The idea is that you can grow these plant materials in exactly the shape that you need, so you don’t need to do any subtractive manufacturing after the fact, which reduces the amount of energy and waste,” says lead author Ashley Beckwith, a recent PhD graduate at MIT. “There is a lot of potential to expand this and grow three-dimensional structures.”

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Startup Plans Nuclear-Powered Data Centers on the Moon

Lonestar Data Holdings to launch RISC-V servers to the Moon.

By Anton Shilov

Modern datacenters consume loads of power, require extremely complex cooling, and are physically vulnerable to natural disasters and military conflicts. Datacenters 10 years from now will get even more complex, power hungry, and hot. There are several radical ways to solve power and cooling problems, but one startup plans to solve the problem by putting data centers on the Moon, and it already has two spaceflights booked to place equipment on the moon. The end goal is to have a network of servers on the moon that’s fed by a nuclear reactor. 

As it turns out, Lonestar Data Holdings plans to establish a network of data centers on the Moon, reports DataCenterKnowledge. In fact, the company has already contracted with Intuitive Machines for its first two missions to the lunar surface and to build its first proof-of-concept data services payload, thus building the first data center on the Moon. The actual RISC-V-based machines will be built by Skycorp.  

“Data is the greatest currency created by the human race,” said Chris Stott, Founder of Lonestar. “We are dependent upon it for nearly everything we do and it is too important to us as a species to store in Earth’s ever more fragile biosphere. Earth’s largest satellite, our Moon, represents the ideal place to safely store our future.” 

There are numerous challenges with installing a data center on the lunar surface. Of course, the expenses associated with delivering the servers to the Moon are one of them, but powering the servers and connecting them to the Internet are two other challenges. 

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Interactive virtual reality emerges as a new tool for drug design against COVID-19


Interactive virtual reality emerges as a new tool for drug design against COVID-19

Bristol scientists have demonstrated a new virtual reality [VR] technique which should help in developing drugs against the SARS-CoV-2 virus—and enable researchers to share models and collaborate in new ways. The innovative tool, created by University of Bristol researchers, and published in the Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, will help scientists around the world identify anti-viral drug leads more rapidly.

A SARS-CoV-2 enzyme known as the main protease (Mpro) is a promising target in the search for new anti-viral treatments. Molecules that stop the main protease from working—called enzyme inhibitors—stop the virus reproducing, and so could be effective drugs. Researchers across the world are working to find such molecules. A key predictor of a drug’s effectiveness is how tightly it binds to its target; knowing how a drug fits into the protein helps researchers design changes to its structure to make it bind more tightly.

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New nuclear engine concept could help realize 3-month trips to Mars


The concept engine is twice as efficient as chemical rockets

Seattle-based Ultra Safe Nuclear Technologies (USNC-Tech) has developed a concept for a new Nuclear Thermal Propulsion (NTP) engine and delivered it to NASA. Claimed to be safer and more reliable than previous NTP designs and with far greater efficiency than a chemical rocket, the concept could help realize the goal of using nuclear propulsion to revolutionize deep space travel, reducing Earth-Mars travel time to just three months.

Because chemical rockets are already near their theoretical limits and electric space propulsion systems have such low thrust, rocket engineers continue to seek ways to build more efficient, more powerful engines using some variant of nuclear energy. If properly designed, such nuclear rockets could have several times the efficiency of the chemical variety. The problem is to produce a nuclear reactor that is light enough and safe enough for use outside the Earth’s atmosphere – especially if the spacecraft is carrying a crew.

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Caterpillar bets on self-driving machines impervious to pandemics


Jason Ramshaw, Commercial Manager for Caterpillar Construction Digital & Technology, demonstrates the Cat Command remote control console to operate a 320 excavator at Caterpillar’s Construction Industries

CHICAGO (Reuters) – Question: How can a company like Caterpillar CAT.N try to counter a slump in sales of bulldozers and trucks during a pandemic that has made every human a potential disease vector?

Answer: Cut out human operators, perhaps?

Caterpillar’s autonomous driving technology, which can be bolted on to existing machines, is helping the U.S. heavy equipment maker mitigate the heavy impact of the coronavirus crisis on sales of its traditional workhorses.

With both small and large customers looking to protect their operations from future disruptions, demand has surged for machines that don’t require human operators on board.

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PriestmanGoode designs autonomous on-demand passenger and cargo vehicles for Dromos


PriestmanGoode has designed an electric and autonomous concept vehicle that would be part of a transport network providing private trips for passengers and urban freight delivery.

 The modular concept car was chosen as winner of a competition by autonomous network transit (ANT) company Dromos to imagine a vehicle that would run on its own dedicated road-like system.

Aiming to reimagine mass transit for the 21st century, Dromos’ brief was to design a safe, reliable and affordable vehicle that focuses on modularity, sustainability and flexibility of use.

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NASA funded scientist claims new thruster can approach the speed of light


The concept of interstellar travel has fascinated the human race for thousands of years.

(TMU) – The concept of interstellar travel has fascinated the human race for thousands of years. Discoveries made in the last century, however, have both bolstered and dampened that fascination. While the number of habitable star systems available for visitation has grown exponentially, the distance between these systems has grown more bleakly, mathematically daunting.

If we sent our fastest space probe to the nearest star, Alpha Centauri, it would take tens of thousands of years to arrive. While galaxies look like homogenous swirls of star clusters, the reality is we are looking at it from a vast, intergalactic scale; the extraordinary distances between stars still make crewed interstellar travel a dubious proposition that many scientists believe won’t be possible for centuries if at all.

However, in recent years, a number of technological models of propulsion – such as light sails pushed by lasers, ion thrusters, fusion engines, wormholes, and even hydrogen bombs – have made the concept of an interstellar probe that can travel a certain percentage of the speed of light increasingly possible.

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“Impossible” EmDrive engine could make interstellar travel a reality


Latest research aims to resolve whether the exciting and controversial thruster could actually work.

The EmDrive could usher in an era of interstellar voyages for human beings. Or it could be a failed experiment that unsuccessfully tried to break the laws of physics. A pair of upcoming papers may just settle that decades-long argument.

The EmDrive was first proposed in 2001 by scientist Roger Shawyer. In theory, the drive—also called a radiofrequency resonant cavity thruster—converts electricity into microwaves and forces them through a sealed cone. The microwaves would bounce around the reflective surface of the cone, and since the microwaves carry momentum, they would impart that momentum to that surface. The waves would exert more force on the larger end of the cone than the smaller one, creating enough thrust—without the need for propellant—to push a spacecraft through the vacuum of space. And, the drive could theoretically increase momentum once it starts moving.

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