Scientists discover greater rates of mitochondrial mutations in children born to older mothers


A  normal mitochondria (left) contain distinctive folds known as cristae, but these folds are lost in damaged or dysfunctional mitochondria (right).

A team of Penn State scientists have discovered a “maternal age effect” that could be used to predict the accumulation of mitochondrial DNA mutations in maternal egg cells — and the transmission of these mutations to children — could provide valuable insights for genetic counseling. These mutations cause more than 200 diseases and contribute to others such as diabetes, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.


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Older Dad’s linked to kids’ risk for genetic ailments

Father’s age is linked to increased genetic risk.

Solid evidence has been found by scientists that older men have more random mutations in their sperm cells. They’re warning that can cause autism, schizophrenia and a long list of other genetic diseases in their offspring.



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Humans are still evolving: study


Even though humans are still evolving, don’t expect any winged mutants.

On TV shows like “Heroes” and movies like “X-Men, ordinary people seem to evolve to have extraordinary capabilities. But people in real life don’t have genetic mutations that give rise to extraordinary capabilities such as telepathy or wings.  But human evolution is still happing according to scientists.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Science has published a new study that offers some if the best evidence so far.


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Scientists a step closer to a ‘miracle’ treatment for genetic diseases

genetic breakthrough

Scientists claim they have come up with an entirely new way to rewrite the genetic code – reversing any flaws or faults.

Genetic diseases result from flaws in the body’s DNA that lead to the cells not functioning or developing as they should.  But, the genetic faults that cause diseases such as cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy and some cancers could be repaired in a new technique described as a “miracle of modern medicine.”

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