Panther Vision Powercap – a solar-powered flashlight you wear on your head

solar cap

Panther Vision Powercap

When you go out into the darkness then you’d better be prepared with a good durable flashlight to light up your path. However,  packing an extra flashlight may sometimes make your gear a bit heavy which can slow you down.


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A solar-powered 3D printer that prints glass from sand

Marcus Kayser’s Solar Sinter project

When Markus Kayser, a design student, wanted to test his solar-powered, sand-fed 3-D printer, he knew the gray skies outside his London apartment wouldn’t do. So he shipped the 200-plus-pound contraption to Cairo, Egypt, flew there himself, and haggled with officials for two days to get it out of customs. A few small “tips” and 11 hours of driving later, he finally made it to the Sahara. But soon the mercury hit 104 degrees, his components nearly overheated, and he was forced to improvise.



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