The gumPhone
Engineer Vs. Designer, a design blog has challenged the 3D printing community to create “the most absurd 3D-printable iPhone accessory” one can imagine (and, in turn, have a chance to win a MakerBot Replicator). The result? A whole basket-load of crazy. (Pics)
We’re talking crazy like cases that turn your iPhone into a pair of brass knuckles or a medieval weapon. Crazy cases that say yes, the iPhone really can be used for anything, but you’d have to be a nut to use it for this. Crazy cases that uses your iPhone for unspeakable things. 180 designs were submitted. The contest ended yesterday.
gumPhone by Noodles: solve arm strain and neck pain holding your iPhone by “using one of the most powerful muscles in your body: your jaw!”
For the brave, here are 21 iPhone cases that are thoroughly bananas. The craziest part? There’s really no reason why you couldn’t print these out and use them for real. Well, except for the last one, maybe.
iKnucks by cmwallace.
iDisc by Jeppe Bredahl Rasmussen, who instructs: 1) Print, 2) Place iPhone, 3) Throw, 4) Hope your dog returns it!
Revolver iPhone by Junior Tan, who looks pretty mean holding it.
iPooperScooper by Thomas Lombardi, who just showed you something you can’t unsee.
iFlail by aubenc, because as a knight you’d “have no pockets in your armor,” according to the creator.
Apple Doorstop by John Turner, who is “rethinking the way we hold doors open.”
iKino by Jeppe Bredahl Rasmussen, which lets you enjoy the iPhone in the privacy of your own face.
The Most Useless iPhone Case Ever by Jeremy. It has a pinball-style flipper attached to it that you can toggle, but it’s useless, too.
iPhone Mixer Attachment by Brad Mohr, who asks: “Have you ever wanted to attach your iPhone to a KitchenAid mixer?”
iPhone Phone by TheNewHobbyist, because an iPhone really isn’t all that phoney.
iPatch by wolfboys, which also comes in an iClops variant.
The Dawn of Man: 2001 A Space Odyssey Action Scene by wolfboys. Good luck trying to figure out how this one ends.
iSpork by enjoinick, whose use of caps we’ll keep for the full effect: “THE ULTIMATE PHONE COMBINES FORCES WITH THE ULTIMATE UTENSIL!” Companion to the iComb by the same designer.
iPhone SLR Mount by HipsterLogic. You’ve seen iPhone DLSR-style accessories. Finally, DSLRs get their own iPhone accessory.
Do Not Disturb iPhone by Cynthia Glasserman, who says that when you don’t want to be disturbed but don’t have a sign handy, “there’s a Thing for that!”
iBeerJar by e2n. Cheers!
Pomme de Terre by plnkt: “a vegetable peeler to attach to your iPhone 4 or 4S.”
iBerry by e2n, which cruelly shackles the iPhone to a BlackBerry-style physical keyboard.
iKeychain by Cynthia Glasserman, which sounds pretty reasonable until you pull your iPhone out and realized the screen’s not supposed to be scratched all to hell like that.
Invisible iPhone Case by Guan Yang, “a universal case for all iPhone models.”
Via Dvice