Even employees who are employed in large corporations are encouraged to be “intrapreneurs.”

Entrepreneurs used to be thought of as the renegade cowboys out in Silicon Valley. Now it seems you have to be an entrepreneur just to get and hold a job.



Consultants and freelancers are cheaper than full-time staffers with benefits, software developers overseas cost a fraction of what they cost in the U.S. and, by 2030, robots will be able to perform most manual labor, according to an infographic (below) from San Francisco-based startup organization Funders and Founders. Even employees who are employed in large corporations are encouraged to be “intrapreneurs,” meaning that they are in many cases given company time to come up with disruptive ways of thinking about corporate organization and practices.

No matter what your office looks like, you are going to have to become an entrepreneur. Take a look at the infographic to understand why.

Photo credit: Under 30 CEO

Via Entrepreneur