In a sprawling warehouse in Reading, Massachusetts, Amazon has deployed a fleet of distinctive robots named Proteus that are revolutionizing the interaction between humans and automation. With their LED-rendered eyes, lidar sensors, and expressive features, these robots aim to enhance communication and collaboration with human workers. Sophie Li, a software engineer at Amazon, explains that allowing Proteus to express happiness can contribute to its effectiveness in working alongside people.
Proteus, slated for deployment aboard the Lunar Gateway as part of the Artemis mission, is just one example of the new wave of smarter robots entering Amazon’s fulfillment centers. These robots are taking on tasks previously handled by humans, such as the Sparrow robot that demonstrates human-like dexterity in picking products from storage cubbies. With these advancements, Amazon is poised for a company-wide and industry-wide shift in the balance between automation and human involvement.
While some may find the cheeriness of robots like Proteus to be a novelty, it serves a purpose in creating a friendly and approachable environment as automation becomes more prevalent. The introduction of robots like Proteus is reshaping fulfillment centers and redefining the nature of work for Amazon employees. Some jobs will be eliminated while new roles emerge, aligning with the company’s growth and evolving business needs. Competitors will also need to adapt to stay competitive in this changing landscape.
Visiting Amazon Robotics’ laboratory and foundry in Reading provides a unique insight into the development of industrial robots at Amazon. The facility showcases the intricate testing and manufacturing processes for these advanced robots. While automation is increasing, Amazon acknowledges the importance of its human workforce and their well-being. However, it faces challenges related to workplace safety and staff turnover, which may be mitigated by accelerated adoption of robotics.
The growth of robot manufacturing and maintenance at Amazon has created new job opportunities in these fields. Workers play a crucial role in assembling robots and equipping them with necessary components. Amazon has even established a dedicated manufacturing facility in Westborough, Massachusetts, emphasizing the significance of robot production in its operations. As the company’s robot workforce expands, other job roles within Amazon are evolving or disappearing.
The evolution of Amazon’s robots traces back to the acquisition of Kiva Systems, with Proteus as a testament to the technological advancements achieved. The initial robots were preprogrammed to navigate confined areas and transport products to human pickers. This automated retrieval system allowed for greater storage capacity and faster order fulfillment. Today, three-quarters of all Amazon products are handled by robots, with the company employing over 1.3 million workers globally.
While Amazon remains tight-lipped about its future robot projections, the number of robots in use is expected to grow rapidly. As Amazon continues to refine its automation technologies, the interplay between humans and machines in fulfillment centers undergoes a significant transformation, heralding a new era of efficiency and collaboration.
By Impact Lab