In a groundbreaking study featured on the cover of Optica, Mini Das, a Moores professor at the University of Houston’s College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and Cullen College of Engineering, alongside physics graduate student Jingcheng Yuan, introduces a novel light transport model for a single-mask phase imaging system. This advanced system significantly improves non-destructive deep imaging, particularly for light-element materials such as soft tissues, plastics, and explosives.
Traditional X-ray technology, which relies on X-ray absorption to generate images, faces limitations when dealing with materials of similar density. “Older X-ray technology struggles with materials of similar density, leading to low contrast and difficulty distinguishing between different materials, which is a challenge across medical imaging, explosive detection, and other fields,” Das explained.
X-ray phase contrast imaging (PCI) has emerged as a promising alternative, offering enhanced contrast for soft tissues by capturing relative phase changes as X-rays pass through objects. Among the various PCI techniques, the single-mask differential method stands out for its simplicity and effectiveness. It not only provides higher contrast images but does so using a more efficient, single-shot, low-dose imaging process.
The innovative design utilizes an X-ray mask with periodic slits, which creates a compact setup that enhances edge contrast. “This mask aligns with detector pixels, allowing us to capture differential phase information that more clearly shows variations between materials,” Das added. “The main advantage is that it simplifies the setup and reduces the need for high-resolution detectors or complex, multi-shot processes.”
The team has rigorously tested their model through simulations and on a laboratory benchtop X-ray imaging system they developed. The next step is to integrate this technology into portable systems and retrofit existing imaging setups for real-world applications, such as in hospitals, industrial X-ray imaging, and airport security.
“Our research opens up new possibilities for X-ray imaging by providing a simple, effective, and low-cost method for enhancing image contrast, which is a critical need for non-destructive deep imaging,” Das stated. “This advancement makes phase contrast imaging more accessible and practical, leading to better diagnostics and improved security screening. It offers a versatile solution for a wide range of imaging challenges, and we are now in the process of testing its feasibility for various applications.”
By Impact Lab