The Coming Era of Mega Systems, Part 1 – Transportation

Mega Projects 31

Futurist Thomas Frey – Let me begin with a couple questions.

Question #1: The U.S. has two countries that touch its borders – Canada and Mexico. But what is its third closest neighbor?

While most would probably look at the island nations in the Caribbean, the third closest is actually Russia, a scant 2.4 miles away, the distance between Alaska’s Little Diomede Island and it’s sister Big Diomede Island on the Russian side of the Bering Strait. During the winter an ice bridge usually forms between the two islands and a person can actually walk from the U.S. to Russia.

Question #2: Is it possible to drive a car from North America to South America?

The answer to this question is “no,” because plans for the highly publicized Pan-American Highway were never completed, leaving a 60 mile gap across a dense jungle region, known as the Darian Gap, between Panama and neighboring Columbia.

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The world reshaped in 2015: The end of the population pyramids

population pyramid

Demographers, teachers and politicians will stop talking about the population pyramid and start referring to the population dome in 2015. The change in terminology will reflect a profound shift in the shape and structure of societies. This is a shift that has been going on for 50 years and is only half complete.



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Google to launch 180 low-orbit satellites that provide Internet access

google satellite

The billion-dollar project will complement Google’s balloons and drones.

Google wants to deploy a fleet of satellites to extend internet access to areas around the world that do not have internet access. The fleet of satellites will cost Google $1 billion. Google “will start with 180 small, high-capacity satellites orbiting the earth at lower altitudes than traditional satellites, and then could expand.”


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Could we run the entire world on solar power?

100 percent solar

We all want to find an alternative to fossil fuels as soon as possible. The most viable answer to the planet’s energy needs is visible to us any time we look upward. The amount of solar energy that hits just 1 square mile of this planet over the course of a year is equal to 4 million barrels of oil, and the energy that hits the Earth in a mere 40 minutes can fuel all of humanity’s energy needs for a year. Isn’t that incredible? (Infographic)


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Data mining reveals how news coverage varies around the world

data mining news

How well does nature reflect the pattern of real events around the world? It’s natural to assume that people living in a certain part of the world are more likely to read, see and hear about news from their own region. But what of the international news they get—how does that compare to the international news that people in other parts of the world receive?



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Who is quietly buying all of the cheap oil?

oil tankers China

There are 89 tankers sailing for Chinese ports.

The US Shale Oil industry and Venezuala up in arms, Russia is being awkwardly quiet as the ‘secret’ Saudi-US oil deal that pressured prices for crude down to $80 has ‘hurt’ a lot of the world’s producer nations. However, China is the one country that is very grateful, Bloomberg reports.


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Top 11 facts shaping the global mobile industry


MEF findings paint a global picture of the mobile content and commerce industry.

MEF is the global community for mobile content and commerce. They will launch their findings of their 4thannual Global Consumer Survey in November at MEF Global Forum 2014, which connects international mobile leaders in the heart of Silicon Valley.



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WASP’s giant 3D printer can build houses from mud in some of the most remote places on Earth


This 3D printer has been developed to build cheap, sustainable houses using a clay-like paste.

WASP, an Italian 3D printer company, demonstrated a giant, three-armed printer they created at Maker Faire Rome. WASP’s 3D printer is unique as it can be assembled on site within two hours, and then filled with mud and fiber to build extremely cheap houses in some of the most remote places on Earth. (Video)



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25 signs that the global economy is broken and obsolete


By Adam Riva: The global economy and any form of government that utilizes it are inherently obsolete and structurally unsound. They cannot be “fixed” because their very underpinning is a mishmash of competition, hierarchy, fractional reserve banking, and fiat currency – all operating under scarcity, coercion, inequality, and varying forms and degrees of economic slavery. We must stop trying to patch the tire and replace it altogether. We are long overdue for a true revolution in the monetary sector of society.



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Why this is the best moment in history to be born in 23 charts

best time in history to be born

There seems to be bad news everywhere you look these days. Sometimes it seems like the world is falling apart. Between Ebola, climate change, Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine, and the ongoing war in Iraq and Syria.



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