E-book sales are starting to fizzle out

E-books are more akin to audio books — a compliment to print, not a replacement.

An Association of American Publishers report says sales of e-books rose just 5 percent in the year ending in the first quarter of 2013, a big drop from the year earlier when sales grew 28 percent, and an enormous drop from two years ago, when sales jumped a crazy 252 percent.


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Amazon sold over 4 million Kindles in December, and E-Book sales are up 175 percent


The Kindle Fire is a holiday record breaker.

Amazon sent out a press release titled, “2011 is the Best Holiday Ever for Kindle” and looking at the numbers, it seems like a justified statement.

The company reports that there were over a million Kindle devices sold each week, with the Kindle Fire as the hottest item, the Kindle Touch following it up, and the plain old Kindle bringing up the rear…

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e-Books Could Lead to a “Reading Divide”


“If reading becomes dependent on technology that must be purchased, then I think we may see the literacy divide persist and even widen.”

The rapid rise of e-books could lead to a “reading divide” as those unable to afford the new technology are left behind, even as U.S. reading and writing skills decline still further.


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Amazon is Selling More Kindle e-Books Than Paperbacks


Amazon has sold “millions” of third-generation Kindle electronic readers in the most recent quarter.

Amazon.com (AMZN) is now selling more Kindle e-books than paperbacks, the world’s biggest online retailer reported. But Amazon’s fourth-quarter financial results were mixed.  Amazon says net income for the quarter climbed 8%, which surpasses Wall Street expectations. But revenue fell short, sending shares down nearly 10% at one point in extended trading.


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