How the internet of everything can make a difference to your pets


Petnet SmartFeeder

The Internet of everything is all the rage now. New solutions continually pop up in a bid for more control over your home. Petnet, a smart pet-device maker based in Los Angeles, intends for its connected devices to make a difference to your dogs and cats.



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The Internet of Things could lead the U.S. economy out of a ‘slow-growth rut’

The report describes how technological innovation, particularly as it relates to the Internet of Everything (IoE), could lead America’s economy out of a “slow-growth rut.”

The Internet of Things could be just what the U.S. economy needs. The Progressive Policy Institute released a report today titled “Can the Internet of Everything bring back the High-Growth Economy?” The PPI is a public policy think tank that conducts research and promotes liberal economicand political policies.



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