Bill and Melinda Gates have released a letter in January outlining the work the foundation has done in the last year and they have done this for the past five years. This year, they took a bit of a different approach. They were concerned by virulent myths that programs funded by the Gates Foundation are useless, are not effective, or are potentially dangerous, the couple’s letter focuses on dispelling what they call the three main myths of foreign aid. (videos)
What’s the most damaging legal myth holding young entrepreneurs back?
The Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs, provided the answers to the following question: What’s the most damaging legal myth holding young entrepreneurs back? In partnership with Citi, the YEC recently launched #StartupLab, a free virtual mentorship program that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow businesses via live video chats, an expert content library and email lessons.
Somewhere between 15%-20% of all information we have in our heads is confidently held misinformation. Here’s a list of the shocking science “facts” that are actually wrong. These myths, old wives tales, and misconceptions have been passed down through the ages, but we are here to put an end to that.
“A cluttered desk is a cluttered mind.” “If you had more hours in the day, you’d be more productive.” I’m sure you have heard these common productivity tropes before, and you may even be wasting time trying to follow them when they don’t make sense for you. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular claims about productivity, and see if there’s science to back them up.
Today’s workers care intensely about how their employer operates in the community.
The notion that companies have an obligation to “give back” to the world in which they work and, especially, profit is an oft-debated topic of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Not every C-level executive is convinced of its importance. But the growing trend is for CSR to play an integral part in successful companies’ business planning.