
Beam Technologies Bluetooth-enabled toothbrush.

What is this world coming to when someone decides that your toothbrush needs to connect with your smartphone?  Well, it happens to be the world we’re living in right now.

In March, Beam Technologies plans to release the Beam toothbrush–a non-motorized toothbrush that connects to Android devices via a built-in Bluetooth.

And iPhone owners should not feel left out: Alex A. Frommayer, the chief executive and founder of Beam, told Gigaom that an iOS app is in the works, and should be available soon after the product’s launch.

Why would anyone need a Bluetooth-enabled toothbrush? Well, to help users keep track of their brushing habits, of course.

According to Beam Technologies’ website, the average person brushes his or her teeth for only 46 seconds at a time, but is 50% more likely to brush for the optimal full two minutes just by using a simple timer.

The Beam Toothbrush app can function as that timer, and the toothbrush will automatically transmit when a user commences and finishes tooth brushing. No cheating possible.

It will even give you a graphical analysis of your tooth brushing durations throughout the week, and can track as many as four tooth brushers on one device.

Pricing is currently not available on Beam’s website, but Frommayer told Gigaom that he expects the toothbrush to sell for $50, with additional brush heads going for $3 a pop.

And you thought the Wi-Fi enabled scale was weird.

Via LA Times


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