Tactile sound engineering in action.

Sound in 3D  is the next generation in “tactile” sound technology. It is poised to have a profound impact on the entertainment industry, including home theater, music production, movie production, education, and health.

Sound in 3D  is one of the featured exhibitors at the DaVinci Inventor Showcase, which takes place on Oct 13, 2012 at the Denver Merchandise Mart. This is your chance to experience Sound in 3D and many other amazing innovations.

Recently, inventor Robert LaDonne took a moment answer some questions about “feeling” sound frequencies and the potential sound therapy applications…


What was the defining moment that led you to create this product?

I touched a speaker cone and I could feel the frequency of sounds and movement of the vibrating cone.

What problem does it solve?

“Feeling” sound frequencies (voice, music, movies) from a CD, DVD, HD, 3D, LP, VHS, computer, etc. gives greater attention and pleasure to the user; which in turn can help with individuals focus with educational purposes, therapies, and entertainment

After you came up with the idea, how did you size up the market and decide who your customers would be?

The market was self explanatory–wherever speakers are used (LP, DVD, CD, VHS, computer, home theater, etc. This includes video and sound production.

How did you go about naming your product?

Through a combined search effort, the same suited the product (“Sound In 3D”)

How long did it take you to create you initial prototype?

About 6 months of research to finalize the prototype

What problems did you run into along the way?

Challenges were with potential business partners and seeking funding.

Funding a new idea is always tricky. How did you go about lining up the money you needed?

The initial funding was through my own savings, family and friends.

Is this a product you’d like to produce and sell yourself?

No, I don’t intend to build or sell the product myself. However, I would like to be involved in the design and demoing of the product.

Are you wanting to license it to someone else?

Yes, and I currently have a company helping to seek licensing the product…Rita Crompton, The Inventor Lady

The marketability is huge and varied. The target market is ‘anything’ to do with sound: entertainment, education, health, therapy, science, sports; HD, 3D, film and sound production.

What all channels are you using to market your product?

Planet Eureka, PDMA, Rita Crompton (Inventor Lady)

How many people do you currently have involved in your business?


How do you define success?

Having licensed this product to the home entertainment, health and education venues.

What would hitting a “home run” look like in your mind?

Receiving royalties form several licensees and eventually selling my patents

Where do people go to find out more about your product?

Rita Crompton (Inventor Lady) for licensing and my website: www.SoundIn3D.com