Eddie VanBaby

Quote of the Day: “Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn’t mean the circus has left town.” – George Carlin


Buddies forever




The Salad Man cometh




Gonna count to 100 then I’ll come find you. One. Two. Three…




The feeling of disconnection was palpable.




I can’t believe I ate the whole thing!




The day after prohibition ended was a wild one!








Red Bull really DID give him wings!




A nice pup of tea




Playing tricks on our mind




Reinventing water. Way to go Mr Ant, keep on rolling!




Once our current political fog comes to an end, a new fog will begin




Oh hey there! Did a red ball just bounce this way?




Brainbow! And I didn’t even know the finger was loaded!




For sharks, it’s their own form of pornography to flash a fin now and then




The music and girls were all smokin’ hot, and then it got totally rediculous




Stinking cute. Emphasis on the “stinking” part!




Reliable as a political promise




Permission to come aboard. By the way, is this thing edible?




Good food is always worth a good stretch




The perfect spiderweb




When goats die in Mongolia




Emotional turmoil, better known as “Monday”




Gorilla couch potato




Muddy Mary liked Mondays best.




Slow ride home. I feel a country western song coming on.




Solar powered grill project. Rethinking our need for fire.




Juggling cherries. If only he had arms.




Inside the hot, hot, HOT sauce factory




Identity crisis. I think there’s a pill for this!


