You would do well to move to New Zealand if you are a working woman. If New Zealand is too far out of the way you could try one of the Nordic countries. The Economist has compiled its own “glass-ceiling index” to mark International Women’s Day. The index shows where women have the best chance of equal treatment at work.
Based on data mainly from the OECD, it compares five indicators across 26 countries: the number of men and women respectively with tertiary education; female labour-force participation; the male-female wage gap; the proportion of women in senior jobs; and net child-care costs relative to the average wage. The first four are given equal weighting, the fifth a lower one, since not all working women have children. New Zealand scores high on all the indicators. Finland does best on education; Sweden has the highest female labour-force participation rate, at 78%; and Spain has the smallest wage gap, at 6%. The places not to be are South Korea and Japan, partly because so few women hold down senior jobs (though the new president of South Korea is a woman).
Photo credit: The Poke.
Via The Economist