Work is a fundamental part of being human. Robots won’t stop us doing it


Hardly a week goes by without a report announcing the end of work as we know it.

In 2013, Oxford University academics Carl Frey and Michael Osborne were the first to capture this anxiety in a paper titled: “The Future of Employment: How susceptible are jobs to computerisation?”.

They concluded 47% of US jobs were threatened by automation. Since then, Frey has taken multiple opportunities to repeat his predictions of major labour market disruptions due to automation.

In the face of threats to employment, some progressive thinkers advocate jettisoning our work ethic and building a world without work.

If machines can do our work, why not reduce the working week drastically? We should be mature enough to decide what truly matters to us, without tying our identity to a job, or measuring happiness in dollars and professional status. Right?

Not quite.

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These are the 5 “super skills” you need for jobs of the future


Work is changing, so to stay ahead you’ll need to master these skills that you probably didn’t learn in college.

Chances are your job description has changed over the past five years. Or maybe your role didn’t even exist a short time ago. The workplace of today and the future looks quite different due to technology, the economy, the environment, and politics, according to the Institute for the Future (IFTF), a not-for-profit think tank that helps organizations plan for the future.

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Top 5 things you need to be happy at work


There’s a mountain of research on what makes people truly happy at work. What would make you happier at work? It’s not necessarily free meals and massages (though those are nice, as companies on Fortune’s list of the Best Companies To Work For have figured out). And it’s not even necessarily lots more money. We’ve scoured the research and identified five science-backed attributes that make people happy at their jobs.

NOTE: For anyone looking to transition into a high impact work environment, check out the private offices and coworking spaces currently available at the DaVinci Institute.

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The technology-driven future will bring upheaval and opportunity


Futurist Thomas Frey

Thomas Frey, executive director and senior futurist at the DaVinci Institute estimates that billions of jobs will disappear in the next 15 years due to the Internet of Things (IoT) and many associated technological advances, but these extreme and accelerating changes will also create many new industries and countless new jobs to replace those they’ve eliminated.



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Top 6 best websites for finding remote work for web professionals


Remote work for web professionals is a viable career option.

The choice to work from home or any place where there’s an Internet connection is a viable career option for web professionals. If you’re looking to make the leap into telecommuting, a great place to start would be the following top-notch job boards that allow you to discover remote Web development work opportunities.

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How digital forces are shaping the future of work


“Over the past five years we’ve seen major disruptions to work, and the driver is technology.”

Several trends will profoundly reshape the context and practice of work in coming decades, according to Lynda Gratton, professor of management practice at the London Business School. These include the rebalancing of globalized markets for goods and labor; dramatically changing demographics; the widening of skills gaps; the demise of middle-skill work; and the rise in the importance of talent clusters. But one other stands out as having the most profound impact on the way work is done and, indeed, as underpinning all of these: IT-enabled hyperconnectivity.


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Virtual reality technology is the future of work


Facebook recently acquired Oculus VR for $2 billion.

Virtually reality was the stuff of science fiction not very long ago. Now, virtual reality is increasingly emerging into the real world. A new infographic produced by collaboration specialist PGi explores the current state of virtual reality and the possibility that it will soon be appearing in the world of work. (Infographic)



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Health issues stress Americans more than anything else


Health overwhelmed financial problems in terms of causes of stress.

We are all stressed. Work can get some people down, and of course money is something we all worry about. But Americans with health issues are more likely to experience a great deal of stress than anyone else, according to a recent poll conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and NPR.



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