Time to change the weather!
Quote of the Day: “Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.” – Robert Bloch
Practicing for mime school!
“You put the lime in the coconut and mix it all up…”
Without people, the earth would be a boring place!
So near, yet so far away!
Flirting with disaster, and disaster is loving it!
No reason! If you have to ask… well, you just shouldn’t!
Denver’s Blucifer is angry about the Superbowl!
Together we can conquer the world!
Building George Washington’s face on Mount Rushmore. Next stop, the dollar bill!
Be careful where you fling your cherries. They don’t aways land on a pile of ice cream!
Crazy weather we’re having lately!
Cute baby skunks! Just be careful where you aim them!
Guard dog in training!
Elephant spa!
Perspective! Once you lose it… well, you’ve just lost it!
Bow down before me grass, bow down! And it was so!
Life is full of situations where you have to bounce back, even with ropes attached to your legs!
What nightmares are made of!
Let the frog rodeo begin!
A face is worth a thousand words. Maybe kinda goofy words, but words none the less!
As he survey all of the damage he had wrought, a sinister smile crept across his face!
Going green in Chicago, where real estate is only limited by your imagination!
“Hey, what’re you looking at?
Two parts romance, eight parts sheer terror!
Whoa! The great inversion has begun!
That’s right, you’re one of the little people!
Destined to become a war hero! Maybe even a legend!
Standing room only! Well, hand standing anyway!
I will eat you.. you, you, you imposter!
Sneakiness often combines the silence of creeping paws and a face bearing whiskers!
King of the clouds!
Damn groupies!
How mud is made!
He seldom gets bothered by the little things!
The zombie apocalypse is coming and I need to be prepared!
In one minute, when the clock strikes six o’clock, his head will be pointing straight down!
Being awesome requires months and months of training!
Riding off into the sunset! Once he reaches the sunset, he will continue on from there!
In San Francisco, it’s easy to cross a faultline without even knowing whose fault it is!
Words cannot express how he feels, but his face pretty much says it all!
“You may think I’m trying to snuggle, but I want to bite your lips!”
Molotov cocktails have always had a deep seated desire to be slingshotted!
It’s a sign!
The house that time forgot!
Craziness knows no bounds!
“Hey mom! There’s someone at the front door!”
Life’s background music suddenly changed changed when these guys showed up!
The Aye-Aye, lowering the bar for ugliness everywhere!
It takes a lot of patience to be a good photographer!
The wooley pig, a distant cousin of the wooley mammoth!
Umbrellas growing in the wild!
Modern day gargoyle!
Burn the tires, burn the tires, burn the tires! May you rot in hell, burn the tires!
Strange partners, even stranger bedfellows!
Wait, I heared something!
Punching water, maybe just cause he’s mad at it!
Welcome to Russia, where being spied on is a way of life!
Monkeys sure do love their chickens!