Reworking the skyline 837g6w

Time to change the weather!

Quote of the Day: “Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.” – Robert Bloch


Elephant from below 8hw7g

Practicing for mime school!




A lime 22dg55

“You put the lime in the coconut and mix it all up…”




A metro station in Tokyo 3fh5p0

Without people, the earth would be a boring place!




B-52 Bomber 13645j

So near, yet so far away!




Based on a dare h75f4e

Flirting with disaster, and disaster is loving it!




bizarre family photo 8q7g2

No reason! If you have to ask… well, you just shouldn’t!




Blucifer doesn't like you q8h7gq

Denver’s Blucifer is angry about the Superbowl!




Buddies 2h781f51f5

Together we can conquer the world!




Building Mount Rushmore d2f3

Building George Washington’s face on Mount Rushmore. Next stop, the dollar bill!




Cherry spoon 82g6wq

Be careful where you fling your cherries. They don’t aways land on a pile of ice cream!




Crazy weather lately f3g4

Crazy weather we’re having lately!




cute baby skunks 235gz1

Cute baby skunks! Just be careful where you aim them!




Dog hobby of Fish Watching h74s3

Guard dog in training!




Elephant spa h8eg6

Elephant spa!




Falling Upwards f34g

Perspective! Once you lose it… well, you’ve just lost it!




Flatgrass 38hqf655

Bow down before me grass, bow down! And it was so!




Freedom and bondage together at last u89m5v

Life is full of situations where you have to bounce back, even with ropes attached to your legs!




French Special Forces soliders in 1982 3fg4h5

What nightmares are made of!




Frog and beetle rodeo 8hw7g

Let the frog rodeo begin!




Full motion dog 9j27gw

A face is worth a thousand words. Maybe kinda goofy words, but words none the less!




Gasman of Kiev 3gh45h

As he survey all of the damage he had wrought, a sinister smile crept across his face!




Going Green in Chicago f3g4

Going green in Chicago, where real estate is only limited by your imagination!




Hey guys whatcha lookin at f34g

“Hey, what’re you looking at?




High on Love 432gfh6

Two parts romance, eight parts sheer terror!




Inverted world 3g6wgs5

Whoa! The great inversion has begun!




It makes you think f35h

That’s right, you’re one of the little people!




japanese air force pilot and her manga portrait 24yrt

Destined to become a war hero! Maybe even a legend!




Just because 8j2g6

Standing room only! Well, hand standing anyway!




Kill the Impostor 8h2gw7

I will eat you.. you, you, you imposter!




kitten going on an adventure g45h

Sneakiness often combines the silence of creeping paws and a face bearing whiskers!




Lion, King of the Clouds 2456jd

King of the clouds!




Mr Tagalong 8h26f

Damn groupies!




Mudmaker extraordinaire wh8n2

How mud is made!




Oblivious to the water q8h6gf

He seldom gets bothered by the little things!




One machine I want for the Zombie apocalypse 3fh5

The zombie apocalypse is coming and I need to be prepared!




One minute before six 8ewg7e

In one minute, when the clock strikes six o’clock, his head will be pointing straight down!




People of the past were way more awesome than you w7h5d2

Being awesome requires months and months of training!




Riding into the sunset w7h5dw

Riding off into the sunset! Once he reaches the sunset, he will continue on from there!




San Francisco Street Symmetry f34g

In San Francisco, it’s easy to cross a faultline without even knowing whose fault it is!




Scared for life h8wa

Words cannot express how he feels, but his face pretty much says it all!




Serval cuddle 43g7j

“You may think I’m trying to snuggle, but I want to bite your lips!”




Slingshot man 8he6f

Molotov cocktails have always had a deep seated desire to be slingshotted!




Snow tree sunrise 8hwg6

It’s a sign!




Stone home of a 15th century Monk in Romania 2fh435

The house that time forgot!




Surf's up g4h57k

Craziness knows no bounds!




Surprise Guests 2dg4

“Hey mom! There’s someone at the front door!”




Taiwan’s Military q8h6f23

Life’s background music suddenly changed changed when these guys showed up!




The Aye-Aye 2d4g

The Aye-Aye, lowering the bar for ugliness everywhere!




The key to photography is waiting for the right moment 8whg7w

It takes a lot of patience to be a good photographer!




The Mangalitsa- Part Pig, Part Sheep, Completely delicious 24hs3

The wooley pig, a distant cousin of the wooley mammoth!




The Umbrellas j9q6egf

Umbrellas growing in the wild!




top of an abandon cigarette factory in Richmond 2f314

Modern day gargoyle!




Ukraine riots f3g4h6

Burn the tires, burn the tires, burn the tires! May you rot in hell, burn the tires!




Unexpected Buddies f1323g

Strange partners, even stranger bedfellows!




Watcha looking at h8wwf6

Wait, I heared something!




Water punch w8hfd

Punching water, maybe just cause he’s mad at it!



.Welcome to Russia 2df3

Welcome to Russia, where being spied on is a way of life!




What goes good with chicken 8he6f

Monkeys sure do love their chickens!


