A groundbreaking construction biomaterial that utilizes living microorganisms to capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere has been developed by a graduate student at University College London (UCL) and a team of researchers. This innovation, known as a cyanobacterial engineered living material (C-ELM), has the potential to significantly reduce the construction industry’s carbon footprint if mass-produced and widely implemented.

Developed by a master’s student in the UCL Bio-Integrated Design program, the C-ELM material integrates living cyanobacteria into translucent panels that can be mounted on the interior walls of buildings. These microorganisms, through the process of photosynthesis, absorb carbon dioxide from the air. They then undergo a biomineralization process that binds the carbon dioxide to calcium, forming calcium carbonate and effectively sequestering the carbon.

A single kilogram of C-ELM can capture and sequester up to 350 grams of carbon dioxide, while an equivalent amount of traditional concrete emits around 500 grams of carbon dioxide. A 150-square-meter wall cladded with C-ELM panels could lock away approximately one ton of carbon dioxide, offering a transformative approach to sustainable construction.

Inspiration and Development

The biomaterial was inspired by stromatolites, ancient natural stone structures formed by sediment trapped by some of Earth’s oldest living organisms—algal mats. Postgraduate student Prantar Tamuli, who led the development of C-ELM, sought to transform construction from a major carbon-emitting activity into a carbon-sequestering process.

Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 lockdown in London, Tamuli successfully developed a new process for culturing cyanobacteria at home, without access to traditional lab equipment. His work focused on the species Kamptonema animale, a photosynthetic cyanobacteria that grows in long strands, making it ideal for binding to the surrounding material within the panels. The calcium carbonate produced by these microorganisms helps to reinforce and strengthen the panels.

Practical and Aesthetic Benefits

The C-ELM panels are designed to offer both cosmetic and structural benefits for buildings. They are lightweight, sound-absorbing, translucent enough to allow light transmission, and thermally insulating, which enhances the energy efficiency of buildings. The first public demonstration of these panels was held at the Bioscope pavilion in St Andrews Botanic Garden in Scotland, as part of an installation by the design collective Studio Biocene. This display highlighted low-carbon, low-impact construction methods that mimic natural environments.

The Future of Sustainable Construction

Professor Marcos Cruz, co-director of the Bio-Integrated Design Program at UCL, expressed optimism about the potential of this biomaterial, stating, “The promise of this kind of biomaterial is tremendous. If mass-produced and widely adopted, it could dramatically reduce the carbon footprint of the construction industry. We hope to scale up the manufacture of this C-ELM and further optimize its performance for use in construction.”

The Bio-Integrated Design Program, a collaboration between UCL’s Bartlett School of Architecture and the Department of Biochemical Engineering, aims to create a built environment that is closely intertwined with nature. Dr. Brenda Parker, co-director of the program, emphasized the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, stating, “By breaking down traditional disciplinary silos, we can enable discoveries such as these. It is an exciting moment where biotechnology has the potential to transform how we design and build more sustainably.”

Studio Biocene, the design collective behind the Bioscope installation, is pioneering bio-integrated green transitions, rooted in both practice and academia. Co-founded by Professor Cruz and Dr. Parker, the team is committed to scaling up innovative ways of designing with and for living systems.

The C-ELM panels represent a promising step toward a more sustainable future in construction, where buildings not only reduce their environmental impact but actively contribute to the fight against climate change.

By Impact Lab