A team of five high school students from Türkiye, known as Team Ceres, has developed an innovative device to address the devastating effects of drought on crops. Their creation, Plantzma, harnesses the power of plasma technology to enhance crop resilience and improve irrigation, offering a promising solution to the growing global food security crisis.

The team, consisting of DiyarAdarDilvinMir Baran, and Beyza, was driven by their personal experiences witnessing the severe impacts of drought in their region. “My community is my inspiration,” says 17-year-old Beyza. Her hometown has recently seen a 40% decline in precipitation rates, compounded by rising pollution levels, leading to a staggering 80% loss in crop yields and a growing food shortage.

This crisis has deeply affected vulnerable communities in Türkiye, underscoring the urgency of finding solutions that address both local and global food scarcity challenges. Beyza explains, “In Türkiye, we are living the effects of climate change. This region was Mesopotamia, where agriculture and civilization were born, but now people are struggling with drought and climate change.”

The issue of crop failure is a global problem, with experts predicting that crop failures will increase sharply in the coming decades. According to the World Economic Forum, by 2030, crop failures could be 4.5 times higher than current rates, and by 2050, the rate could increase to 25 times higher.

In response to this growing crisis, Team Ceres has developed Plantzma, a plasma-powered device designed to increase crop resilience and improve irrigation systems. The device utilizes low-temperature plasma technology to treat seeds and irrigation water, providing an affordable and sustainable solution to enhance agricultural productivity.

“Plantzma can be used by just clicking two or three buttons,” Beyza explains. The device works in two key ways:

  1. Seed Treatment: Exposing seeds to plasma before planting improves germination rates, boosts growth potential, and increases resistance to diseases and environmental stressors.
  2. Water Treatment: Plasma treatment of irrigation water enriches it with nitrogen, creating a natural, environmentally friendly fertilizer that provides essential nutrients for plants.

While Team Ceres cannot change the climate itself, they aim to mitigate its impacts on agriculture. “Since we are not able to change the climate – the problem itself – we are trying to solve the effects of it,” says 18-year-old Diyar.

Plasma, often called the “fourth state of matter,” is ionized air that has immense energy. It can easily conduct electricity and is widely used in space research. By creating low-temperature plasma with a discharge system, Plantzma utilizes this powerful technology to help crops thrive despite the adverse effects of drought and climate change.

One of the key features of the Plantzma device is its affordability and user-friendly design. Priced at just $191, it is accessible to farmers in rural communities who may have limited access to advanced agricultural technologies. “When we interviewed farmers, they were happy to hear about this product,” says Beyza, emphasizing the positive response from local farmers.

Team Ceres’ innovative approach has garnered international recognition. They entered Plantzma into The Earth Prize, a global environmental sustainability competition for students, and were named runners-up for their groundbreaking solution.

The success of Plantzma is a testament to the ingenuity and determination of Team Ceres to tackle some of the most pressing challenges facing the world today. Their use of plasma technology not only offers a sustainable solution for enhancing crop yields but also promotes environmentally friendly farming practices.

As climate change continues to threaten global food security, innovations like Plantzma provide a glimmer of hope. By addressing the effects of drought and crop failure, Team Ceres is helping pave the way for more resilient, sustainable agriculture for future generations.

By Impact Lab