App activity by Facebook users shared more than 1 billion times each day

Platform is getting major results.

Facebook said users share their app activity more than one billion times each day using the social network. These include details like the music they’re listening to (done 40 billion times so far), their reading progress (shared 40 million times), and their fitness updates.



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The BabbaBox is a monthly box of creativity for kids


Kids get monthly fun delivered to their door with The BabbaBox.

The BabbaBox is a monthly membership based kit targeting ages 3-6 that’s delivered to your home with ALL the physical materials plus know-how content to really engage with your kids through experiences and activities you can do together…

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Discover the Hidden Patterns of Tomorrow with Futurist Thomas Frey
Unlock Your Potential, Ignite Your Success.

By delving into the futuring techniques of Futurist Thomas Frey, you’ll embark on an enlightening journey.

Learn More about this exciting program.