New record as online ad revenues jump 18% to $20B in first 6 months of 2013

Apparently, new certainties in life are death, taxes, and Internet ad revenues going up.  Online ad revenues in the U.S. jumped 18 percent from 2012′s numbers to hit a new record, $20.1 billion, just for the first half of 2013. Mobile revenues were the fastest-growing, soaring 145 percent to $3 billion, and digital video ads, crucial to the growth of visual media online such as YouTube, rose 24 percent to $1.3 billion.



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Facebook’s Sponsored Stories performing better than standard ads

sponsor story

Facebook Sponsored Story ad

Earlier this year Facebook launched a new form of advertising called “Sponsored Stories”.  some people just didn’t buy into the plot. “Sponsored Stories” takes content generated by Facebook users and turns it into ads, seemed to be crossing some kind of line.


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