Tesla becomes California’s largest automotive employer



In California, Tesla has knocked off Toyota as the biggest auto employer in the state. Tesla employs over 6,000 people to the Japanese company’s 5,300. That lead is only likely to grow, as the EV manufacturer prepares to add another 500 jobs by the end of the year, and as Toyota begins its relocation to its new North American headquarters in Texas. The news comes barely a week after the company announced a $50 million loss during the first quarter of 2014.


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5 biggest job cuts announcements in 2011

Patrick Donahue

U.S. Postmaster General Patrick Donahue

U.S. Postmaster General Patrick Donahue prepares to testify at  Senate hearing on the the U.S. Postal Service’s fiscal crisis on Sept. 6 Senate. The postal service’s 7,500 job cuts announced in March rank No. 5 on outplacement consultancy Challenger, Gray & Christmas’s list of 2011 announced workforce reductions.


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‘The start-up of you’ – Reinventing yourself in the ever changing job market


Employers are looking for people who can invent, adapt and reinvent their jobs every day, in a market that changes faster than ever.

The rise in the unemployment rate last month to 9.2 percent has Democrats and Republicans reliably falling back on their respective cure-alls. It is evidence for liberals that we need more stimulus and for conservatives that we need more tax cuts to increase demand. I am sure there is truth in both, but I do not believe they are the whole story. I think something else, something new — something that will require our kids not so much to find their next job as to invent their next job — is also influencing today’s job market more than people realize.


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