Pew Research – Lifestyles of the Young and Restless


Millennials are detached from institutions, networked with friends.

The Millennial generation, now ranging in age from 18 to 33, is forging a distinctive path into adulthood. They are relatively unattached to organized politics and religion, linked by social media, burdened by debt, distrustful of people, in no rush to marry— and optimistic about the future.



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Life as a Teenager in 1994, 2014, and 2034 – What a difference a generation makes! – Part One

Futurist Thomas Frey: How quickly we forget. Events of 20 years ago seem like a distant memory, but 1994 was the year when Nelson Mandela was elected President of South Africa, O.J. Simpson was arrested for killing his wife, huge massacres were happening in Rwanda and Sarajevo, and China got its first connection to the Internet.



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Top 8 products the Facebook generation will not buy


Consumer tastes of the Facebook generation is changing at a greater rate than ever.

The purchasing habits of the youngest generation present the most dramatic shifts in consumer tastes — a reflection of what they find important, and are changing at a greater rate than ever. 24/7 Wall St. has identified eight popular products that the “Facebook generation” is not buying.

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Internet porn ruining the sex lives of an entire generation of young men

internet porn

Internet porn a serious problem as a new generation of men to lose their libidos 30 years sooner than expected.

Young men in their 20s apparently are increasingly having trouble in the bedroom — and it’s all because they’re addicted to pornography, according to a report in Psychology Today.


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Gen Y Just Slow Starters, Not Slackers: Study


Dependence on Mom and Dad prepares them to be successful adults.

Generation Y is often thought of as a slacker group of young adults who have failed to launch, delaying real careers and families until later in life. But new research suggests their heavy dependence on Mom and Dad might ultimately prepare them to be successful adults.  


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