Extreme Light Infrastructure – World’s Most Powerful Lasers


 Extreme Light Infrastructure project

The construction of three gigantic new research lasers has been approved by the European Commission, with the option for a fourth that would, for an instant, be several hundred times more powerful than the entirety of the power generated by our civilization. The hope is that the project, called the Extreme Light Infrastructure, will be enough energy to actually conjure virtual particles out of nothingness.



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Amazing Discovery – Glass Melts When it Gets Ultracold


Quantum fluctuations may melt glass when it gets too cold.

Anyone who’s seen enough old Sesame Street episodes or been to enough Renaissance Fairs knows that when glass gets hot enough, it turns to liquid. Applied heat pumps energy into the solid pieces of glass, getting their molecules jiggling. As the heat dissipates, the glass becomes cool and solidifies again.


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