This is how long the human body would survive on every planet in the Solar System


Let’s assume that people learned how to breathe in space without special equipment and we found a way to reach any planet in the solar system. Despite the fact that this information is not likely to be practical in the near future, let’s have a look at how a person would feel on the different planets of our solar system without any protective devices. And looking at big ambitious plans from Elon Musk, who knows, we may start space-traveling sooner than we expect.

We think that the world around us is so fascinating and can’t wait to share some facts about it with our readers.

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NASA plans to make water and oxygen on the surface of the Moon and Mars by 2020


NASA is taking steps that could lead to colonization of other planets.

NASA is working on plans to make water, oxygen, and hydrogen on the surface of the Moon and Mars. It is vital that we find a way of extracting these vital gases and liquids from moons and planets if we ever want to colonize other planets, rather than transporting them from Earth (which is prohibitively expensive, due to Earth’s gravity). The current plan is to land a rover on the Moon in 2018 that will try to extract hydrogen, water, and oxygen — and then hopefully, Curiosity’s successor will try to convert the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere into oxygen in 2020 when it lands on Mars.



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Could there be planets better suited for supporting life than Earth?

A new study may have found exoplanets that are warmer and waterier than Earth.

One thing we know for sure in the world is that our planet is the world – for creating life, for supporting life, for letting us humans and our fellow species become what we are.  And so, as we take our first tentative steps from our world and look out into the universe as we set our sights toward the worlds that look like the one we know — toward planets that are, in their way, “Earth-like.”


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Breathtaking photos of the night sky seen with the naked eye


Photographer Alex Cherney has dedicated his life’s work to capturing the night sky.

A star-gazer with just an ordinary digital camera has come a little bit closer to the final frontier.   – Alex Cherney spent 18 months photographing the night sky and turned thousands of snaps into incredible time-lapse video of the cosmos. (Pics)


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New Class of Planets Discovered that Have No Stars


Artist’s conception illustrates a Jupiter-like planet alone in the dark of space, floating freely without a parent star.

David Bennett, University of Notre Dame astronomer, is co-author of a new paper describing the discovery of a new class of planets.  The new class of planets are dark, isolated Jupiter-mass bodies floating alone in space, far from any host star. The team of astronomers involved in the discovery believe that the planets were most likely ejected from developing planetary systems.


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