New video game features create a placebo effect

video game

Whether it’s the new iPhone, a Blu-ray movie with deleted scenes or a simple firmware update people are obsessed with the new and improved, and according to researchers at the University of York, there’s a good reason: New features can create a placebo effect for an experience feeling more fun and immersive.

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Violent video games may actually reduce crime: study

grand theft auto IV

Rather than violent crime rates soaring when new violent video games are released, they actually drop as gamers are too busy at home playing the games.

Video games such as Manhunt and Grand Theft Auto – where gamers rack up points or cash for killing or savagely attacking victims – are routinely blamed for a rise in violent crime.  But experts claim violent video games may actually reduce crime as aggressive players are “too busy” shooting virtual enemies to cause trouble in the real world.


Is buying Monopoly’s Boardwalk really worth it?


Is buying Boardwalk the best strategy?

Monopoly is a bonding experience in some families. For other families, it’s a Machiavellian affair that tosses love and loyalty aside in favor of a capitalistic bloodlust where there is but one goal: Drive mom, dad, grandma and weird Uncle Steve into bankruptcy as soon as possible.


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