Researchers discover a pattern to the seemingly random distribution of prime numbers


The pattern has a surprising similarity to the one seen in atom distribution in crystals.

Often known as “the building blocks of mathematics,” prime numbers have fascinated mathematicians for centuries due to their highly unpredictable and seemingly random nature. However, a team of researchers at Princeton University have recently discovered a strange pattern in the primes’ chaos. Their novel modelling techniques revealed a surprising similarity between primes and certain naturally occurring crystalline materials, a similarity that may carry significant implications for physics and materials science.


A new discovery about prime numbers and what it means for the future of math


Physicist Ed Copeland explains Yitang Zhang’s finding on bounded gaps between prime numbers.

Yitang “Tom” Zhang, a popular math professor at the University of New Hampshire, stunned the world of pure mathematics this month when he announced that he had proven the “bounded gaps” conjecture about the distribution of prime numbers. This is a crucial milestone on the way to the even more elusive twin primes conjecture, and a major achievement in itself.

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