Escaped pet birds are teaching wild birds to speak English


Polly is gonna talk about the cracker.

Across parts of Australia, reports have been pouring in of strange voices chattering high in the treetops — mysterious, non-sensical conversations in English. But while this phenomenon is certainly quite odd, its explanation isn’t paranormal. It turns out that escaped pet birds, namely parrots and cockatoos, have begun teaching their wild bird counterparts a bit of the language they picked up from their time in captivity — and, according to witnesses, that includes more than a few explicatives…

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Talk-o-Meter Shows How Much Each Person in a Conversation Talks

talkometer rrrrr

Now you can visually show who is the blabbermouth.

Talk-o-Meter is a new chat-monitoring iPhone app that shows when someone is dominating a conversation. After brief calibration, the app can recognize who is speaking and keeps track of each person’s talk time.”

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