This one shocking factor can make you 4600 percent more likely to become an addict


It was discovered quite by accident – in part of a study of a totally different subject.

One of my earliest memories is of trying to wake up one of my relatives, and not being able to. As I got older, I understood why. We had addiction in my family. And as I watched some of my other close relatives become addicts, I asked myself several questions, but one in particular seemed haunting and insistent: why does addiction so often run in families? Why does it seem to pass from mother to daughter, from father to son, as though it were some dark genetic twist?

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Medical helicopter increases odds of survival for trauma victims: Study

Medical helicopter

Medical helicopter beats ambulance for trauma victims.

For the critically injured, there are two choices for getting to a hospital – ground ambulance or helicopter.   While many critics decry the use of helicopters for emergency transportation because of cost and potential crashes, it turns out a trip to the ER via the sky may actually improve a person’s chances for survival.

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Military dogs suffer PTSD just like humans

army dog

More than 5 percent of the approximately 650 military dogs deployed by American combat forces are developing canine PTSD.

Many soldiers leave the battlefield suffering deeply painful psychological traumas after returning home. And unfortunately, the same pattern of psychic trauma seems to apply for the dogs that help provide essential services for military men and women.


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Patients Admitted to the Hospital on the Weekend Are 10% More Likely to Die

emergency room

20 to 25 thousand people die each year in the United States because of admission on a weekend.

Ten percent of people admitted to the hospital on the weekend are more likely to die than those who checked in during the week, according to a new analysis of nearly 30 million people.


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