EteRNA – an online video game connects players into a real biochemistry lab



The latest research rage is crowdsourcing – Kickstarter to raise funding, screen savers that number-crunch, and games to find patterns in data – but most efforts have been confined to the virtual lab of the Internet. Researchers have now crowdsourced their experiments by connecting players of a video game to an actual biochemistry lab.


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CodeSpells – a video game that teaches how to program in Java


CodeSpells is an immersive, first-person player video game designed to teach students in elementary to high school how to program in the popular Java language. CodeSpells has been developed by University of California, San Diego computer scientists.



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Redbox video game rental stats (Infograph)

redbox games

Redbox says that families are hitting the rental machines the most.

Redbox, owned by parent company Coinstar, the DVD and game rental kiosk chain has been so disruptive in the entertainment industry that it helped Netflix hammer the final nail in Blockbuster’s coffin. They has doubled their annual revenue year after year, cutting so deeply into Hollywood’s piggybank that several movie studios attempted legal action, eventually settling to impose a 28-day delay before new releases hit Redbox machines.

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Platform Wars – MIT launches free online video game simulator

 platform wars

MIT’s video game simulator lets you learn MBA management skills for free.

Thanks to “Platform Wars,” a video game simulator, you can learn MBA management skills and strategies for free.  It was created by MIT’s Sloane School of Management and anyone can learn elements of a business school education by portraying an executive at a video game console manufacturer online.


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