The new plans for the military are both creepy and
freakishly out of touch with the enemies they will be fighting
“Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious.” – – Brendan Gill
Its too bad that we can’t catch happiness just by looking at it
It’s kind of fun to experience the impossible
“Chill guys! It’s cool.”
When the Mechanical Engineering professor handed me this for my final exam, I suddenly
realized I hadn’t studied enough
Cold hands are the devil’s playground
Little known fact. Only kids that were never breast-fed grow up to be cops
Don’t encourage him! Friends don’t let friends sing karaoke!
For Batman, he needed to find someone who could relate to his own identity crisis
Brain dumps never looked so scary
Basking in its own reflection, it was still a boring city
..and you thought the circus was just for humans
In bear country, these hotel rooms were referred to as the “appetizers”
Gone are the days when becoming a monk only required a secret handshake and a decoder ring
To hell with swimming
Recent budget cuts in Cleveland’s fire department have forced them to reinstitute the bucket brigade
When it came down to either saving his wife or the roo, the roo suggested he flip a coin
Everybody needs a hug. The guy behind him seems especially huggable
Gotcha. So close, yet so tauntingly far away.
Hand soap
Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean the balls aren’t out to get you
A dog playing a game called “cat” using a left-handed mouse…. well, left-pawed.
No really, most dogs are left-handed …err, left-pawed.
Annoyingly prophetic ceiling mural
The two puppeteers, no string attached
…as if working in a cubicle wasn’t annoying enough!
“There are no maps for where we’re going!”
In India, passing by another train, has became known as the “cheese grader”
First snow of the season. Waiting for my wife to get home.
A sure sign! The end is near!