Solocoaster 673

When there’s no where to go but down!

Quote of the Day: “See, you not only have to be a good coder to create a system like Linux, you have to be a sneaky bastard too.” – – Linus Torvalds


Cheese Mouse 873

A truly great mouse never relies on just one hole




Igloo Hottub 893

People who make everyone else jealous are the luckiest people in the world.




give us a smile 711

Ok, smile and act happy. And stop looking like penguins




Perspective art 780

Putting his artwork into perspective




The Lemur Family 276

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don’t have one




Colorful flowery building 034

Colleges are a place to hang out between high school and becoming a rock star.




Devious Jake 873

Devious Jake is only as loyal as his options




Piano Car 673

Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination.




Let me check that camera for you bro 667

Blind photographers need a seeing eye monkey




Cheater Nails 673

Men cheat for the same reason that dogs lick their balls… because they can.




dog meets dog 774

There is no greater act of courage than being the one who kisses first




Car Wash 673

“Hey, I’ve been looking for a girl like you. Not you, but a girl like you.”




Its whats inside 783

The reason why they sometimes hit a sour note




Short Truck 873

Every little kid wants to become a race car driver. This truck is a close second.




In the brush 376

The reason we appear so dangerous is because they’re so totally harmless




Hall of Hams 756

The hall of hams




Snow dude 265

The ice man cometh




The hat 764

Isn’t it interesting that ‘cologne’ rhymes with ‘alone’ and that
‘shadow hat’ rhymes with ‘kinky party girl’




Their version of the "Choose your lobster from the tank" restaurant 458

Their version of the “choose your lobster from the tank” restaurant




Meanwhile in Europe 587

Obviously they were having trouble getting noticed




Tiger Rabbit 873

I feel a fairy tale coming on…




Folowing Shoes 763

Do you ever get the feeling that the world is a tuxedo and you are a pair of old shoes that got left behind?




Apple Mouse 387

Even though Apple invented the mouse, the two don’t always get along




Woman Car 487

Why traffic lights were invented




Forced Waken 672

When Redbull can’t keep you awake, resort to extreme measures




Twist 782

If only flowers were wearable…




Spreading smiles 021

Dripping with happiness




Going noseless 783

So when did having a nose stop being a good thing?




4 Circles 782

Four concentric circles. The rest is all in your head




Non-moving photo 872

Likewise, this is not animated. It’s all in your head. And so are all the voices.


