WA |HH Quantum Sensations
A team of researchers claim to have come up with a spray that can make you instantly drunk – but wears off after a few seconds. The team, led by David Edwards and designer Philippe Starck, says it has created WA |HH Quantum Sensations, a spray canister that puffs a whiff of alcohol that mimics the effects of a martini for just a moment, the ‘Daily Mail’ reported.
The duo unveiled their product on Wednesday in Paris and promise that the “food spray for the future ” won’t leave their customers with splitting headaches. “We asked ourselves whether we might provide the same agreeable sensation as comes with a sip of alcohol without running the risk of drunkenness. A spray of WA |HH and the shock is immediate, like a sensorial alarm,” Starck said.
Each WA |HH canister, which contains two millimeters of alcohol, delivers just 0.075 millimeters per dose, a thousand times less than a cocktail.
Photo credit: Hela Blog
Via Times of India