New spray gets you instantly drunk and only lasts a few seconds


WA |HH Quantum Sensations

A team of researchers claim to have come up with a spray that can make you instantly drunk – but wears off after a few seconds. The team, led by David Edwards and designer Philippe Starck, says it has created WA |HH Quantum Sensations, a spray canister that puffs a whiff of alcohol that mimics the effects of a martini for just a moment, the ‘Daily Mail’ reported.

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NeverWet – revolutionary new product that repels liquids


NeverWet™ coatings are a featured product at the DaVinci Inventor Showcase 2011

NeverWet™ coatings are Superhydrophobic and Oleophobic. Water on NeverWet™ surfaces sits as an almost perfect sphere. Water beads “glide” over the surfaces like a skate gliding over ice, with almost no surface friction. Superhydrophobic surfaces such as the leaves of the lotus plant have surfaces that are highly hydrophobic, i.e., extremely difficult to wet.  “Oleophobic” (from the Greek (oleo) “oil”) refers to the physical property of a molecule that is repelled from oil.


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