My Heart 880

Thinking with your heart as well as your head is the zen way of Rex the cat


Quote of the Day: “When you don’t know what you’re talking about, it’s hard to know when you’re finished.” – Tommy Smothers


Trombone Man 785

After drinking 14 shot of 5 Hour Energy, he was determined to play all the notes at the same time




Curious Crow 802

Why don’t we start with you finding me a cracker?




Inception photo 673

Every fashion statement can be traced to some tiny idea in the corner of someone’s mind




Owl + Duck 672

Some twins have nothing in common




Turkish doctors using music therapy to treat a patient 205

The “smock foxtrot” was the new craze in hospitals around the world.





elephant near a waterfall 226

Rule of thumb: The tastiest trees always grow closest to the edge




Overloaded truck 118

After talking to his donkey friends, the truck knew how to get their attention




tiger tongue 182

Eu de Tiger spit.




Sinking into the city 287

The depths of despair ……sinking to a whole new level.




local wildlife taking a tour around Worcester 211

And on our right is another stupid building… can you guys in back hear me ok?




Sniffer Hole 471

Nothing says I love you like sniffer hole #3.




A dip in a public pool in Guangxi Zhuang, China 033

Oh no! We lost Waldo again!




hangin' out, chewing gum, blowing bubbles 028

Hanging out, chewing gum, blowing bubbles.




Tough day on the job 762

TAG! You’re it.




Hitchin' a ride 813

Picking up a hitchhiker




Balcony pool 015

Extreme swimming in an extreme swimming pool




If you lick me, I'll lick you too 552

If you lick me, I’ll lick you too





Flying Rocks 678

Rockin’ out





Evil Octopus 622

Angry octopus is angry




When cyborgs are beautiful 702

Little known fact: She’s actually juggling a live porcupine with her feet,
but the photographer somehow missed it




The lizard wizard 761

The lizard wizard needed to be kissed before he could be
transformed back into his human body




Water Ball 803

Making water balls is far easier than drinking them




Ripples in Time 276

Houston, am I cleared for liftoff?




Mayday 2012, Berlin 228

Parties are so much better when you bring your own bathtub.




Blood Under an Electron Microscope 255

Even viewed is ultra tiny quantities under an electron microscope, blood still attracts vampires




wading african elephants 814

Upon closer examination, elephants only get lost slightly more than people using Google Maps




Just another day at the office for this guy 208

I should have picked ‘truth’




Zombie Nuts 285

Cracking up at the z0mbie nut house


