Saddest Table Ever 550

Sometimes a well-balanced diet isn’t all what its cracked up to be

Quote of the Day: “I’m sick of following my dreams. I’m just going to ask them where they’re goin’, and hook up with them later.” – Mitch Hedberg


Quacker Crowd 901

The original honkey mob.




san_francisco_star_wars 778

The AT-AT came weekly and looked longingly over the silent seas
but feared that fluffy the cat was gone forever




Head Eater 558

Being a giraffe dentist sucks. No, literally!




Strainer face 908

Sometimes its a real strain to see you




Snarl 330

I can’t stand it when water buffalos get stuck in my teeth.




Stone, not water 555

Just like M&Ms with a hard outer shell




I said stick 917

I said stick!




Skywalker 549

Just when he made it to the top, he realized he’d forgot his wallet




Powerful 540

Little known fact:  A leopard cannot run super fast unless he visualizes it first




wax sculpture of Rafael Nadal 335

Even the best tennis players need a tuneup now and then




Balls 556

Nope, didn’t work!




Hey guys, look this way 547

Everyone’s a critic.



.Tiny Fountain 906

The fountain of youth




fox, inspecting the recently fallen snow 336

Let the pouncing begin!




Dedicated to the marathon 918





Falling Bear 541

Hmmm, no reason. Why do you ask?




Seniors in Montreal 543

How they treat seniors in Montreal




Hamscape 332





teamwork 914

Its so rare when “up” is a viable option




Clarity 910

If you think your eyes are playing tricks on you, you’re wrong. Its not your eyes




Cabbage Fantasies 339

Cabbage fantasies




Mom, quit. The other kids are watching 923

Mom, quit. The other kids are watching




Off to a great start 544

The answer to whether art is better on the inside lies just beyond that grate.




Stripey biker girls 546

If the bars looked like this in jail, inmates would sure complain less




Rubbish dump rag pickers, India 554

You are judged by the company you keep. Too bad it doesn’t work the other way around.




Chinook at night 331

Fantasies of black helicopters out to get you




Water playground 907

The games we play often depend on how inflated we’re feeling




Have you ever just thought to yourself 915

Have you ever just thought to yourself…




Zombie mode activated 920

Zombie mode activated




Dear bailiffs, you can now come, take our house and give it to the banks who screwed us. Sincerely yours 545

Dear bailiff, you can now come, take our house and
give it to the banks who screwed us. Sincerely yours


