…and in a blink of an eye, daddy was lying on the floor crying

Quote of the Day: “I don’t mind what Congress does, as long as they don’t do it in the streets and frighten the horses.” – Victor Hugo


Even though he’s a superhero, Jowelman needs some friggin Pepto Bismo…




Traffic just got a whole lot worse on the I-22 overpass.




Sid Lizard!




Ebony and Ivory!




Every rebel insurgent will need to confide in their cat at one time or another!




The best part is when it goes back down upside down.




Grassy head, only marginally better than grassy ass.

I get to milk THIS one!

Brucing him up around the edges.
Yup, cats eyes do crazy thing on heroin.
Mirror of Destiny by Anton Semenov. Dare to take a peek?
I think I’ll rest here. A nice warm hood beats the cold ground any day.
Hear me now and believe me later …later …later.  I saved 20% by switching to Geico!
Teambuilding exercise
And you think YOU have weight issues!
Hey look, I can see where you pooped!
Apple art delicate enough to shred your pectin.
Crocodile Fish’s amazing camouflage can be yours for only $29.95.
Bungee jumping is SO yesterday!
Hanging on trees is exhausted. Sleeping Koala needs sleep.
Falling off the edge of the world.
I’ve got you my pretty!
Normal looking glasses. Well maybe not!
Elephant fish may not be the biggest, fastest, or smartest, but they make super funny noises in a blender
A frozen moment in her childhood!
20,000 leagues under the museum…
The never cliche “You Should Be Paying Me Six Figures” pose.
Introducing the pornflower! Also available in Asian and African American varieties!