Wow, it looks like they took out way more than his tonsils!

Quote of the Day:  “I don’t want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying.” – Woody Allen


See, money IS the root of all evil.




 Barbie down! I repeat, Barbie down!




Introducing the Cat of Nine Rails!




The little fawn really was excited to get her first Twitter account up and tweeting.




Yet another Jedi mind trick




Can you tuck me in? Crap. I forgot to brush my teeth!




A new perspective on old dogma!




Puppy toes or corny dogs or loafer toes? You decide!




Selective moments in time jewelry!




Why am I always the one caught in the middle! WOULD YOU TWO JUST GET A ROOM!





The potato princess was once again awash in her tuberous exuberance!




The sphincter waxing was really the crowning achievement of this dramatic doggie doo!




Bearly able to get this one off the ground…





The Pinata Cake, because regular cakes just don’t have enough sugar in them!




Yoda, what did you have for breakfast? You don’t look so good…




Gravity is such a bitch! If your wine does this, you have had enough!




Yes, mistakes were made, but we kinda like this one!




Hang in there Spiderman!




Lemme guess. No children, right?




Meanwhile, back at the turquoise mine…




I’m not sure, but it came out of my nose!




It leafs nothing to the imagination!




Them Cheerios are toast!




And now, a word from out sponsor, Panda Cat!




And, in the blink of an eye, she had attracted a whole new crowd! Some women are like that!




Yertle the Turtle is alive and well, and apparently lives in Dubai!




It became affectionately known as the “double take shower curtain!”




Fair warning. You are about to get a snout full of claw!




They’re known as the “naked man” flowers! Perhaps you can see why!


