It was the final match between good and evil, and unless he pulls a groin muscle,
evil is about to kick the sideburns off his opponent!

Quote of the Day: “It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.” – Douglas Adams



It’s how I feed humming birds, with a mouth full of Red Bull, to watch their wings flap faster!




With a little duct tape and a couple coats of paint, I’ll have this baby flying in no time!




Intimidation and determination, two characteristics that are about to be put to the test!




“But I don’t wanna be a mannequin!”




Being in a Charmin commercial was way more fun than he anticipated!
Now where do I aim this thing?




Nice rims!




Hey, who turned on the wind!




Drag racing, where it’s much more about the drag than the racing!




The voodoo market in Lome,Togo, one of the few areas of retail that Wal-Mart hasn’t touched!




Maybe that exorcism thing you mentioned wasn’t such a bad idea after all!




You only think you know what’s going on here!




The speed of reality is never as much fun as the reality of speed!




Ok, it’s your turn to break up the cat fight!




Usually a sign of a bad date!




With hair like this, he could “out-king” the king of the jungle any day!




How to rebuild a man! Most doctors don’t have the patience for this!




Date night was never the same after he got “the suit!”




Elephant seal is laughing because he thinks you look funny!




Meals on wheels!




Kissing a giraffe is intimidating, even for blind people!




Hose heads rule!




Even with the new fence between the U.S. and Mexico, people can still just drive across the border!




The lamp that turns your room into a forest. A very creepy forest!




Whoa! Looks like I just dove into the red sea!




Rule of thumb! To be considered an expert, it helps to look grumpy!




I’ll miss you Dad!




Just hanging out with a Mola Mola!




You know anorexia has a grip on you when even a skeleton looks fat!




And now for a moment of cuteness zen!




Exceptionally touchable fruits and vegetables!


