It was all fun and games with the yellow tape until the truck came!

Quote of the Day:  “Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn’t.” – Erica Jong


Once again his was the cover photo for the “Where to pee on cars” article in K9 Magazine!




Staring at a 3-D printed model of himself. It was like looking at the sick and twisted little voice in his head!




Me with my very large 50-shades of grey friend!




The secret door in the forest No one knows how it got there and no one knows where it goes!
Kinda like most campaign contributions!




Kitty grenade!




Americans and Mexicans playing volleyball over the border in Arizona.
Clearly borders work better with armed guards!




When you see this coming, you better be telling Scottie to beam you the hell out of there!




Yes, there are a few gentlemen left in the world!




Vanity and squirrels! Evolution is indeed going backwards!




The Hatchet Museum was always a fun place to take the kids!




Special Olympics for Dogs!




Oh that! It’s just Jackie Chan in a rollerblade suit. Why do you ask?




As usual he doesn’t seem very impressed with me!




It’s the toy every kid in Africa wished they had!




Rats face many hardships, but there are few images that really tell the whole story like this one!




Every Wednesday night I like to drive myself to the moon!




Mr. Bunny went to the store and all he came home with was carrots!




So many flowers, so little paint!




It was exactly the right time of year for puppy camping!




A vat of indigo dye for making blue jeans in Vietnam. One of the many cultural changes brought on by the war!




The feet of a true rock star!




Sometimes my husband is a real bear, but not today!




It became known as the “Leg March,” a parade to drive fear and loathing into the hearts of our enemies!




When it comes to fruit, owlberries are quite rare!




Once again the moisture suckers have been hard at work!








Nebraska farmers looking for a spot to ditch their crappy piece of machinery!




It’s like I said, if we ever run out of water, we can always paint some more!




Here’s a woman in a tiny apartment in Hong Kong! And you think you have it bad!


