MC Squares are a modular, dry-erase system designed for high-tech, learning, and creative spaces. The MC Squares system was developed to pull focus from the facilitator and encourage everyone to join in on the creative process.
MC Squares is one of the featured exhibitors at the DaVinci Inventor Showcase. The Inventor Showcase will take place October 10-11, 2015 at the NoCo Maker Faire. You will have a chance to take a look at the MC Squares and many other amazing inventions.
The mounting brackets enable the mc squares to pivot on their corners so you can ‘pop’ your ideas off the wall for sorting and sharing.
The clear dry-erase surface is removable to swap drawing guides underneath. The kit includes ten templates to get you started!
They have been using 3D printing to prototype the design and functionality for the last 2 years in Colorado. They launched the product in May 2015.
Via MC Squares