A futuristic floating city concept has been unveiled, showcasing interconnected platforms that could house up to 50,000 people. The design was created by British firm AT Design Office and it is called “The Floating City.”
The design features a series of hexagonal platforms, interconnected with one another to form a network of streets, parks, and residential areas. The platforms would be anchored to the ocean floor, with a central main structure serving as a hub for transportation, utilities, and other services.
According to the designers, The Floating City would be a self-sustaining ecosystem, with renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and wave power. The city would also have its own food production and waste management systems.
The concept of floating cities has been gaining attention in recent years as a potential solution to overcrowding in urban areas and the threat of rising sea levels due to climate change. In an interview with The Guardian, AT Design Office founder Phil Pauley said, “The Floating City is not just a design concept, it’s a real-world solution to some of the biggest problems facing our planet today.”
While the concept is still in its early stages, it has already garnered interest from investors and developers. Pauley has stated that the first phase of construction could begin as early as 2025.
The Floating City is just one example of the many innovative solutions being proposed to tackle the challenges of urbanization and climate change. As Pauley puts it, “We need to be looking at alternative ways of living, alternative ways of creating new ecosystems that allow us to live in harmony with nature.”