The internet needs to be 100 times more affordable: Mark Zuckerberg


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wants to connect the world together to promote the “Knowledge Economy”., is a group that Zuckerberg started in partnership with mobile-device makers Samsung, Nokia, and Qualcomm, and they have released a video highlighting his plan to interlink the next 5 billion people.



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Share decision making leads to better health outcomes for patients and lower costs

Shared decision making helps patients be better informed about their treatment choices and make better decisions.

Quality-improving and cost-cutting innovations don’t sit around for years while people keep muddling through with old technology in most industries. When an innovation is ready for widespread use, it disrupts the market, whether the market wants it or not. In the process, some entrepreneur usually makes a killing.



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Americans waste more than a billion gallons of gas every year because of obesity


For every additional pound of passenger weight, the United States uses up another 39 million gallons of fuel each year.

Obesity raises health costs as we all know with more frequent visits to the hospital, more prescription drugs, and a greater risk for developing diseases like diabetes.  What is less known are the economic costs of obesity.  What are increased costs obesity puts on the public infrastructure, the GDP or on the federal deficit?

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Colleges with the fastest rising tuitions will have some explaining to do to the Department of Education

Penn state

Penn State tops the list for public in-state colleges.

No college wants to top these rankings. Today the Education Department unveils a website on which it is publishing for the first time lists identifying the nation’s most expensive colleges.


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