European Millennials are not like their American counterparts


Under-30s in Europe are more disposed than their parents are to view poverty as a result of an individual’s choice.

In public perception, age is often related to political views. “Not to be a republican at 20 is proof of want of heart; to be one at 30 is proof of want of head,” the 19th-century French monarchist François Guizot is supposed to have said. King Louis Philippe’s prime minister was swept from power by the 1848 revolution, presumably by a combination of republican under-30s and older Frenchmen who had lost their heads. Since then, Guizot’s famous one-liner has often been updated.

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Europeans are world’s heaviest drinkers


Europeans down the equivalent of 12.5 litres of pure alcohol a year or almost three glasses of wine a day.

People in Europe drink more alcohol than in any other part of the world.  They down the equivalent of 12.5 liters of pure alcohol a year or almost three glasses of wine a day, according to report by the World Health Organization and the European Commission.

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