People are getting taller and they are also fatter than ever and live longer than at any time in history. And all of these changes have occurred in the past 100 years, scientists say.
There will be significant growth for jobs that require a college education and occupations in health care, energy and technology.
The jobs market for the future currently looks bleak. The unemployment rate has been stuck above 7 percent since December 2008, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. And as futurist Thomas Frey recently told AOL Jobs, half of all the jobs in existence today will no longer be around by 2030.
A team of researchers from Columbia has developed a way to induce new human hair growth for the first time ever. It’s not just the fact that they can just grow hair that’s so exciting, though. It’s that they can grow your hair.
World population will grow from 7.2 billion people today to 9.6 billion in 2050.
In 1950, the world looked very different from how it does today. Europe was home to 22% of the world’s 2.5 billion people. Germany, Britain, Italy and France all counted among the 12 most populous countries. But strong economic growth in Asia coupled with high fertility rates in Africa have contributed to a big regional shift in the global population. The UN’s latest World Population Prospects expects the world to grow from 7.2 billion people today to 9.6 billion in 2050.(Chart)
China’s economy is undergoing a structural slowdown.
China has been way out front as the world’s most important source of economic growth for years. China has the world’s second largest economy and it continues to grow at a rapid clip but it is cooling as other enormous economies heat up.
Don’t let the Solyndra talk fool you: The clean energy sector is still booming. And even booming industries — maybe especially booming industries — see a fair share of once-promising companies go belly up. It’s unfortunate that the Obama administration once touted Solyndra as an example of the fast-growing renewable power sector, but its bankruptcy is a poor reflection of the industry’s health as a whole. In fact, renewable energy remains one of the few sectors to see consistent growth over the last couple years.
A new report highlights that health, revealing that the solar industry employs over 100,000 people, and added over 6,700 jobs in the last 12 months alone…