Reforming higher education: when online degrees are seen as official


In early 2012, leading minds from Harvard, Stanford and M.I.T. started three companies to provide Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs.  They were open to anyone in the world with an Internet connection, no cost, millions of students signed up, and pundits called it a revolution.  The technology was supposed to transform higher education. What happened?   Continue reading… “Reforming higher education: when online degrees are seen as official”

Can Massive Open Online Courses change the way we teach?


The first Massive Open Online Course (MOOCs), Connectivism and Connective Knowledge (also known as CCK08), led by George Siemens of Athabasca University and Stephen Downes of the National Research Council, was offered in 1998.  Twenty-five tutition paying students from the University of Manitoba and over 2,200 tuition free students from the general public, participated. Continue reading… “Can Massive Open Online Courses change the way we teach?”

Should coding schools have free enrollment under Obama’s new free community college initiative?


If the fundamental premise of President Obama’s new initiative to make community college free is to open up career and life opportunities for the nation’s young — especially those from underprivileged backgrounds — then the federal government should also be thinking of ways to cover the tuition costs of individuals attending coding boot camps. Instead of paying for a two-year community college program, the government could instead get more bang for less buck by paying for a 12-week program. That’s something that the nation’s first coding president should understand.

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You can go to college in Germany for free no matter where you are from

college in germany

Germany didn’t just abolish tuition for Germans, the ban goes for international students, too.

Lower Saxony has made itself the final state in Germany to do away with any public university tuition whatsoever. As of now, all state-run universities in the Federal Republic—legendary institutions that put the Bildung in Bildungsroman, like the Universität Heidelberg, the Universität München, or the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin—cost exactly nothing.

The new $10,000 college degree has everyone talking


Students leave college with an average $29,400 in loans.

The appeal of a $10,000 college degree is impossible to deny. Average tuition for a public university is more than $35,000 for four years. Students leave college with an average $29,400 in loans. Who wouldn’t get behind an effort to offer bachelor’s degrees that won’t shackle young people to debt for decades after they graduate?



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The Sorry State of Higher Education


It’s dismaying how easy it is to screw up college.

I don’t know exactly when, why, or how it happened, but important things are breaking down in the US higher education system. Whether or not this system is in danger of collapsing it feels like it’s losing its way, and failing in its mission of developing the citizens and workers we need in the 21st century.

This mission clearly includes getting students to graduate, yet only a bit more than half of all US students enrolled in four-year colleges and universities complete their degrees within six years, and only 29% who start two year degrees finish them within three years. America is last in graduation rate among 18 countries assessed in 2010 by the OECD. Things used to be better; in the late 1960s, nearly half of all college students got done in four years.

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12 tech trends that will alter higher education

Technology trends will transform higher education.

Higher education is facing an onslaught of disruptive forces right now. Technologies such as MOOCs and mobile devices are disrupting institutional structures from the classroom and across entire campuses. As tech transforms these learning environments, universities must decide whether to resist the change or get out in front of it. To choose the latter option, however, we need to envision what universities of the future will look like—if they exist at all.



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Providers of free online higher education add more schools, including foreign schools

Coursera adds 29 universities and institutes to their online venture.

Providers of free online higher education are expanding the ranks of universities that contribute courses to their Web sites.  They are also adding many schools from outside the United States.



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